Ye olde health service

Run time: 13.00 – 17.00

How did past people understand what counted as a healthy lifestyle? What diseases did they face, and how did they cure them? Did their remedies even work? Step inside the ‘Ancient Medical Bazaar’ and find answers to all these questions and more.

Meet Rebecca Flemming alongside a team of archaeologists and ancient historians from the University of Exeter to explore their collection of ailments, treatments, ideas, and practices, from across the ancient world. Uncover the techniques they use to understand what life and death was like throughout history.

Please note that this event will include discussion of disease and death. 

For access information and directions to this venue, and all British Science Festival venues, please click this link

9 September 2023 - 13:00
Cathedral Green, Exeter City Centre

Event image for Ye olde health service