Catch me if you can

Run time: 13.00 – 19.00

The UK has far fewer cancer survivors in comparison to most other European countries. There are multiple reasons for this, but one of the main drivers is late diagnosis.
One way we could improve levels of early detection is recognising symptoms associated with cancer in the primary care process, or when you see your GP.
Mike Cooke and his research team at the University of Exeter are attempting to understand how they could use health data to help doctors better identify patients at greater risk of cancer. Join them for an interactive experience that puts you in the middle of this big data. Challenge yourself to simulate these processes in primary care and help doctors detect signs of cancer early.

Please note that this event will include discussion of cancer. 
Please note that the screens used at this event may display flashing lights.
For access information and directions to this venue, and all British Science Festival venues, please click this link

9 September 2023 - 13:00
Cathedral Green, Exeter City Centre

Event image for Catch me if you can