Wild Audiences

Run time: 14:00 – 15:00
What about cultural experiences speaks to the very nature of what it means to be alive and what happens in our bodies and minds when we participate in cultural experiences? How might understanding the venues in which performance happens, and the relationships between audiences play a part in creating stories? 
These are all questions that artist Rosie Poebright asks in their research. Working across neuroscience, philosophy, anthropology, and theatre they question what’s at stake, both physically and emotionally, when audiences participate in live story experiences. 
Sharing findings from their latest research project on rewilding audiences and they'll take us on a journey to explore how audiences are more than just inactive observers. 
Rosie is an Associate research fellow on the future of radio at the University of Bristol and the Creative director of experience design agency Splash & Ripple.
Photo credit: Jon Aitken 
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15 September 2024 - 14:00
Conference and Computer Centre Lecture Theatre 1, UEL Campus