Co-designing connectivity

Run time: 12:30 – 14:00, 15:00 – 16:30

Disabled people, particularly those with a learning disability, are often at risk of social isolation and subsequent poor mental health. This was particularly illustrated during the COVID-19 pandemic where research showed that they were more affected than others.

One way of helping those who experience social isolation is to support them to connect with people digitally, but sometimes this tech can be difficult to use. Often, this is because those developing the technology have a different lived experience to those using it. 
However, Gosia Kwiatkowska and her team at the Rix Inclusive Reseach Institute at the University of East London are working with software developers Multi Me to create digital tools that place those with learning disabilities at the centre of the design process. 
Together, they are designing digital tools that are easy to use and accessible, and that can enable people to connect with each other. Come along and have a play. Some laptops will be provided at the event for participants to use, but you are also welcome to bring your own laptop, tablet or mobile device if you prefer. 

To use the library's free wifi on your own device, please register with Newham Library Service in advance of the event here: Registration is free and you don't need to be a Newham resident. 
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14 September 2024 - 12:30
Stratford Library